The Descendants and Ancestors of William Berry, Sr.

by John V. Berry William Berry, Sr.  is believed to have been born in the State of Maryland around the year 1738 and the available ev...

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

John Berry, son of William Berry, Sr. 1774 to 1798 of Burke County

By John Berry

Not much information is available on John Berry, the son of William Berry, Sr.  He was believed to have been born before 1774 in the State or Maryland or Rowan County, North Carolina. His life was not very long and he appears to have lived to this mid-20s. He was believed to have passed away before July 1, 1798 in Burke County, North Carolina.

Some events in John Berry's timeline, include:

1774  Born in the State of Maryland to William and Elizabeth Berry

1778  Listed on the Rowan County, North Carolina Tax List.

1782  He is believed to have been married to an undetermined wife in 1782.

30 Aug 1786  He is listed as a chain carrier with his brother, Joseph Berry for another brother, James Berry
James Berry Land Grant 1786 - 100 acres
1790  He is listed in the Federal Census in Burke County, North Carolina in the Second Company of Captain John Connelly.  He is listed as having 4 children, 1 son and 3 daughters.  He is shown as living near his brothers James, Joseph and Lott Berry.

1790  John Berry is listed in the militia company in Caldwell County with James, Joseph, and Lot (Lott) William Berry.

26 July 1798  The records reflect that Lott Berry (his brother) is appointed as the administrator of the estate of John Berry in the Burke County, NC Court Minute books, at page 589.

1798 Estate of John Berry

"Know all men by these presents that we Daniel Hudson Lot Berry Joseph Morgan David Thomson are held and firmly bounds us to same we ask equal governor in order in check in your the State of North Carolina in the price of five thousand pounds to be paid to the said Samuel asks on his ... Governor of said state for which payment will and duly to be made in kind.  Our heirs our and each of are heirs. Executor Jointly Severally and person by these presents sealed and dated this 26th day of July 1798.  

The condition of the above obligations is such that whereas letters of ... have been issued on the Estate of John Berry, deceased late of the county of Burke. To the above ... Now if the said Dan Hudson and Lott Berry shall will and truly administer on all the goods and chattels ... and elements.  Rights and credits of the Said deceased that may come to way come to there lands. Agreeable to law and return into Burke a true inventory of said Estate and ... with said Court when called to answer for their due administration then this obligation to be said, and of no effect otherwise . . . 


J. Erwin     Lott Berry  David Thomson  Joseph Morgan"

The following are the remainder of the documents from the Estate of John Berry which were found in the North Carolina Archives.  

"Administration Bond on the Estate of John Berry, dec'd July 1798"

19 Oct 1799  Promissory note to the Estate of John Berry from John Murray

No other information is available at present, but the Author is always looking for more information. Please contact the Author should you have additional information on this or other Berry family members.

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