The Descendants and Ancestors of William Berry, Sr.

by John V. Berry William Berry, Sr.  is believed to have been born in the State of Maryland around the year 1738 and the available ev...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Life and Times of Lott (Lot) Berry

By John V. Berry

Lott Berry is believed to be this writer’s great, great, great, great grandfather, and is listed as
follows:  William Berry, Sr., Lott Berry, John Berry, William Martin Berry, Henderson Berry,
Gilmer Connelly Berry, John West Berry, to the writer.

Lott (Lot) Berry (1763 – 1832) is believed to have born circa 1763 in the Commonwealth of
Virginia and died in Burke County, North Carolina on March 30, 1831. Lot Berry married Millie
Thompson (Thomson, Thomason, Thomas) in 1784 and they had three sons (Archibald, John & 
David Berry), and one daughter (Elminor (Elminer, Mina, Miner)) Berry.  Over the course of his life 
Lott Berry lived in two or three different locations: likely born in Virginia and living in 
Caldwell/Burke/Rutherford counties in North Carolina during his life.  Lott Berry appears to have 
been born in Virginia. He later appears to have lived with his mother and father in what is likely the 
Town of Icard, North Carolina, today.  

He likely lived in an area near Drowning Creek in what is now the Town of Icard, NC and on the
Lovelady Ford, specifically on Wards’ Creek in Burke County, near the Caldwell County, NC
boundary line.  One reference, for which no citation was found, indicated that Lott Berry lived in an
area known as “Tower District.”  Lott Berry was a son of William Berry, Sr. (1738-1780) and
Elizabeth Montgomery.

Lott Berry is believed to have been born in the Commonwealth of Virginia in about 1763 to parents
William Berry (1738-1780) and Elizabeth Montgomery (c1745 - __). Lott’s older siblings would
likely have come from Maryland and his younger or perhaps some of his other numerous siblings
would have been born in Burke County, North Carolina.  See The Descendants of Lott Berry,
Volume I, by Virginia Berry-Niemeyer, she provided  information that  another Berry descendant, 
Bruce D. Moore, also establishes Archibald, David, and Miner as the children of Lott and "Millie" 
Thomas and that Lott "came from Virginia." Based on Mr. Moore and Ms. Berry-Niemeyer’s data, 
and that from Marguerite (Berry) Carswell and the mother of Ms. Berry-Niemeyer, the cited 
descendancy chart for Lott and Millie (Thompson) Berry came about.

Descendancy Chart

The above chart was provided by Virginia Berry-Niemeyer, a fellow Berry descendant of this line, 
and very respected genealogist, to the Author who she referred to as her “third cousin, once 
removed.” She obtained the chart from Marguerite Aljean (Berry) Carswell, her mother, from data 
collected by her mother, Jean Arbunoth (Norvell) Berry, the wife of William Alvin Berry.  In this 
hand written chart, she provides proof that Archibald, David, John, and Mina are the children of Lott 
Berry and Mille (Thompson) Berry.

While it appears that many of his older brothers and sisters likely were born in the State of Maryland
or in Pennsylvania, Lott Berry appears to have been born in the Virginia, according to records
provided by researcher to the writer in 2009. Virginia Berry-Niemeyer, The Family of Lott Berry and
Millie Thompson of North Carolina, Vol. I, at page 5.  Lott Berry was born circa 1763, most likely in
a part of Virginia within reach of the Great Wagon Road, as the family traveled South to their
ultimate destination in Burke County, NC where the old road still travels up to the family’s old land
grant on Drowning Creek, which was kept in the family for many generations.  Possibilities for more
specific areas of his birth include Fincastle County and Lunenburg County, both in Virginia.

Chronology of Lott Berry

1763       Lott Berry is born to William Berry, Sr. and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Berry in Virginia.

1784       Lott Berry marries Millie Thomson (Thompson, Thomas).  Of note, Millie shares the same
last maiden name as Lott Berry’s brother, Enoch Berry, Barbary (Thomson) Berry.

1784       Archibald Berry (1784 – 1875), the first son of Lott and Millie Berry’s is born in Burke
County, North Carolina on April 14, 1784.  Archibald Berry would eventually marry Martha

1789       Daughter Elminor (Mina/Miner) Berry (c1789-after 1850) is born to Lott and Millie
(Thompson) Berry.

1790       Lott Berry is listed as being part of the Burke County Militia Second Company in 1790.
Annals of Caldwell County, NC, at pg. 63. The Second Company, commanded by a Captain John
Connelly, included Lot Berry, and three of his brothers, Joseph, James and John Berry.  The Second
District Militia Company was listed as operating out of “Eastern Burke County.”  See Burke County
Public Library Summary of Dr. Emmett White’s Notes (Jan. 1985).  As noted in the Annals of
Caldwell County, the “second company, John Connelly, captain, had 78 heads of families living
along the Catawba river and lower Lovelady Township.”  Annals of Caldwell County, at page 2. It is 
hard to say if this location is in Burke or Caldwell county as they exist today. 

1790    Lott Berry is listed as a head of his family in Burke County, Morgan District, North Carolina
Census, having 1 male over the age of 16 (Lott Berry), 2 males under the age of 16.

1790    John Berry (1794 – 1871) is born to Lott and Millie Berry in Burke County, North Carolina.
In her genealogical proofs, Virginia Berry-Niemeyer provides two sources of proof for the father-son
relationship between Lott Berry and John Berry.  The first is a handwritten chart by Tessie Alice
(Wagner) Berry, Virginia Berry-Niemeyer’s mother. The second source of proof are charts developed
from genealogical research conducted by Marguerite Aljean (Berry) Carswell.  See Virginia Berry-
Niemeyer, the Descendants of Lott Berry, Vol. III, CH. 5, at 1

1794    Some resources also indicate that this John Berry was born in 1794. In any event,  John Berry
married Barbara Fry (1795-1861) and then after her passing in 1861, married as his second wife,
Priscilla Bowman (1836-1911).  One source refers to this John Berry as John Berry IV (the fourth),
but it is unknown quite what it meant by this reference.

1798    David Andrew Berry (1798 - 1870) is born in Burke County, North Carolina to Lott and
Millie (Thomspon) Berry.

1798    On June 11, 1798, Lot Berry had surveyed Land Grant #2384, entry #3281, for 50 acres on
Wards Creek on the South side of the Catawba River. This land joined Lott Berry’s own line for
existing property, as well as one Andrew Gwin's line. The chain carriers for the survey, were Andrew
Gwin and John England. A copy of this land survey follows.

For the land survey shown following the written transcription of the survey, which immediately
follows, shows that reading these Colonial-era type property documents can sometimes be a bit
difficult, so the following information is provided:

“State of North Carolina, Burke County. By virtue of a present dated August the 11th 1797 No. 3281
Survey for Lot Berry fifty acres of land lying on Wards Creek that fall in on the South Side of the
Catawba River joining him on line & Andrew Gwins (Goins) line beginning on a p___ his old corner
& runs North ___ to a Hick[o]ry then West to Eight Chains to a post oak in Sd. Gwin's line then goes
fifteen chains to a stake then West fifteen chains to a post oak to a stake then South fifteen chains
crossing (?) the creek to a maple then East twenty-five chains to a stake then north twenty chainsaw
to a stake in his old line then to the beginning survey. April the 11th 1798 The two chain carriers
were Andrew Gwin & John England and signed by William Davenport.”

1798    John Berry (1774 – 1798), Lott Berry’s younger brother, died some time prior to the July
1798 Burke County Court of Pleas and Quarters session.  Furthermore, during the July, 1798 Session 
of the Burke County Court of Pleas and Quarters (from the minutes): Ordered by court that Daniel 
[H]udson have letters of administration on the Estate of John Berry, deceased, together with Lott 
Berry & giving bond with Joseph Morgan & David Thomson, Security in the sum 2000 pounds. John 
Berry, the brother of Lott Berry, with no spouse listed, is indicated as having died prior to the July 
1798 Burke County Court session. Both Lott Berry and Daniel Hudson were appointed 
executors/administrators of John Berry’s estate. See Burke County, NC, Court Minute Book. Lott 
Berry is also listed as a purchaser of items from John Berry’s estate sale.

1798    In July 1798, Lott Berry is Juror #4 on a panel in the case of James Greenlee v. William

1799    In 1799, Lott Berry and Daniel Hudson, John B. Murray tendered a promissory note for six
pounds currency to Lot Berry and Daniel Hudson, as Administrators of John Berry’s Estate.  The
promissory note was found on the back page by the writer of a Revolutionary Pension Application
by John B. Murray’s wife, Rosanna Murray, in materials found at the National Archives.

“I promise to pay unto Lot Berry and Daniel Hudson, Administrator of John Berry dec’d the just and
full sum of six pounds currency of North Carolina to be paid on or before the 30th day of April 1801
it being for value receiv’d of them this 19th date of October 1799 as witnessed by my hand and seal.
This was signed by John Murry (Murray) and also signed (apparently as witnesses) by one William
(Wm.) Fincannon and one William Crye.”
1800    In the Burke County Court of Pleas and Quarters minutes: 590: No. 11. Lott Berry is #4 in
jury impaneled in case of James Greenlee v. William James, Burke County Ct. of Pleas & Quarters,
590, No. 11. (1800).

1800    During the April, 1800 Session of the Burke County Court of Pleas and Quarters, Lott Berry
is listed as an assistant overseer/hand to assist neighbor John England, Jr. in keeping a local road
under repair.  Overseer. Ordered by court that John England, Jr, overseer of the road leading from the
forks at the Widow Englands to the Lovelady Ford on the Catauba (Catawba) have the following
hands to work under him on said road, to wit... Lott keep the same in repair for one year.

1800    In the July, 1800 Session of the Burke County Court of Pleas and Quarters: Case No. 341 has
Lott Berry listed as the No. 12 juror in Joseph Dobson to use of David Crawford v. Thomas
McGimsey, Burke County Ct. of Pleas & Quarters, 341. (1800). The jury found for the Plaintiff and
assessed damages and costs.

1800    In the 1800 Burke County Census - Lott Berry 3 M under 10, 1 M 10-16, 1 M 26-45, 1 F
under 10, 1 F 26-4 (Family includes, David Andrew, John IV, ? M Archibald, Mina (Elminor), and

1800    In the January 1800 session, from the Burke County Court Minutes, p. 118, ordered John
England be overseer of a road from fork at the widow Englands to the Loveland Ford on the
Catawba hands-Rob. Grasby, Lott Berry, Wm. B., Zack Ewing, Samuel Goldsmith, Wm.  Sutherland, 
Wm. Duckworth, Wm. Deal, Henry De----, Jon. Duckworth, John England, Joseph England, 
Ephraim Ewing, John Tizard?

1802    The Burke Journal, February 1999: Morganton 1802. Will Tate's Tax Return of Captain
James Young's Company. Lott Berry is listed with 200 55 acres of land with 1 Pole.

1802    In the April 1802 court session of the Burke County Court of Pleas and Quarters minutes,
Lott Berry is appointed the Overseer of the road from the Forks near the Widow England’s property 
to the Lovelady Ford with the same hands as before, and that he keep the road in good repair for the 
term of one year.  There also is a reference to the order being issues from the room of William 

1802    In 1802, Lott Berry is listed in the Burke Journal (Feb. 1999), on Will Tate’s Tax Return of
Captain James Young’s Company as having 200 – 55 acres of land with 1 pole.

1803    During the Burke County Court of Pleas and Quarters, in their April Session 1803:  “Jury of
view.  Ordered that the following be a jury to view and mark a road leading from Morganton to the
Lovelady Ford on the Catauba the nearest and best way, to wit . . . Lott Berry . . . and make a report
to our next county court. Issd,” 1804    In May 1804, Joseph Berry sells his brother Lott Berry 200 
acres of property, in an instrument dated 28 May 1804, proven by John McGalliard.  Burke County 
Deeds Registered, 1804 – 1813, at 8 (Referring to the April 1804 Sessions).

1810    Lott Berry is also listed in the 1810 U.S. Census as living in the Drexel/ Morganton section of
Burke County, NC.  Burke County, Morgan District, North Carolina Census Lott Berry 2 M 10-16
(John, IV and David Andrew), 1 M 16-26 (Archibald or ? M), 1 M over 45, 1 F 16-26, 1 F over 45

1813    "Burke County Deeds Registered 1804-1813", pg 8, has Joseph Berry to Lott Berry 200 acres
dated 28 May 1804 proved by John McGalliard; April Sessions 1813

1815    Lott Berry, with 1 tract of land lying on the Catawba, is listed on Martin Kibler's - Burke
County, NC, 1815 Tax List. 1815      

1820    Lott Berry is also listed in the 1820 Burke County, Morganton, NC Census. Burke County,
Morgan District, North Carolina Census Lott Berry 1 M 16-26, 1 M over 45, 1 F 26-45, 1 F over 45
(David Andrew, Lott, Mina, and Millie).

1822    Lott Berry, along with son David Berry, was chain carrier for a land grant surveyed for
Archibald Berry 20 August 1822.

1830    Burke County, Morgan District, North Carolina Census Lott Berry listed in the N.C. Census
Index as #148.
1831    On March 30, 1831, Lott Berry passed away in Burke County, NC.

1831    Deed Book 34, pg 146, Lincoln County Court House, Lincolnton, NC has a deed for the sale
of 1/5 of 133 acres of land owned by William Berry, deceased, and willed to his brother and heir,
Lott Berry. This land lay on Dutchman's Creek. Proven and recorded at April Sessions 1831. Prior to 
his death in 1831, Lott Berry sold his 1/5 inheritance from either his brother, William Berry, Jr. in 
March of 1831.   See Lincoln County, NC Deed Book 34, page 146 (Mar. 1831).  

1832    Burke County Surviving will and Probate Abstracts 1777-1910:  #50 Lot Berry, presented for
probate April 1832.  The Burke County Record of Inventories of Sales of Estates, 1832-1838, lists
two sales involving Lott Berry.  The first sale, in 1832, Lott Berry, pg 112-114, sale 4 March 1832,
court date of 23 July 1832, lists purchasers as:  Archibald Berry, David Berry, et al.  Lott Berry, with
no spouse listed, is indicated to have died before the Jan. 1820 Session. Robert H. Erwin (Archibald's
son-in-law) and Archibald Berry are Executors or Administrators. This is believed, however, to be a

1832    Burke County Surviving will and Probate Abstracts 1777-1910:  Number 50, Lot Berry,
presented for probate April 1832.  In the Journal of Burke County Genealogical Society, May 1997
Issue, page 24, are abstractions from the Deaths recorded in Minutes of the Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, Burke County, NC, 1791-1834.

1834    Lott (Lot) Berry is listed as deceased in a document dated 26 July 1834, Robert H. Ervin,
Administrator of Estate Sale of articles dated 23 July 1832, which lists approximately 100 buyers of
sale items, for a total sale of $249.00.  Among the purchasers of items at the Lott Berry Estate Sale,
were Samuel Williams, son David Berry, Richard Williams, son Archibald Berry and daughter
Eliminer Berry.  The Lot Berry Estate Sale was also apparently dated 21 July 1834 and the
purchasers were also named as Archibald Berry, Elminor Berry, etc. Burke County Record of 
Inventories of Sales of Estates, Lott Berry, pg 156-157, court 21 July 1834. Purchasers: Archibald 
Berry, Elminor Berry, et al.

1850    Elminor Berry age 61 Joseph Baker, Jr. 31, Elizabeth Baker 27, Elisha Baker 9, Moulton
Baker 7, Emily Baker 4, Elizabeth Baker 2.

1866    Book of Deed Abstracts, North Carolina Room, Burke County Public Library, pg 50 30 April
1866 Archibald Berry deeds land to John Wesley Berry adjoining “Lot Berry Tract”

1868    Book of Deed Abstracts, North Carolina Room, Burke County Public Library, pg 375-376 7
December 1868 Archibald Berry deeds land to John Wesley Berry--land known as “Lot Berry Tract.”

1869    In deeds registered 12 Mar. 1869, Numbers 375 and 376, Lott Berry’s son Archibald Berry
grants, to his son, John Wesley Berry, property known as "Lot Berry Tract," on the South Side of the
Catawba River on Josiah Bradshaw's line, constituting approximately 150 acres. 50 acres of the
original tract were sold to John Kincaid (to the mouth of Ward's Creek). Abstracts from Burke
County Public Library, Morganton, Deed Book A.

1898    Book of Deed Abstracts, North Carolina Room, Burke County Public Library, 1 Jan. 1898
John Wesley Berry, Sr. deeds to John Wesley Berry, Jr. land known as Lot Berry tract. John Wesley 
Berry, Sr. deeds to Phifer Erwin Berry land on line with Lot Berry Tract, now known as David Berry 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

William Berry, Sr. of Burke County Letter from Lawrence Wood to CB Berry

By John Berry

The following is a letter that was from 1984 which preserves some of the reserve done by my Uncle CB Burgin Berry and Lawrence Wood.  The letter is attached, but I have also copied the text, which follows:

75 Peeks Creek Road
Franklin, N.C. 28734
Tel. 704-524-8457
Feb. 16, 1994

Dear Burgin -

You may not remember me. We were in touch some years ago on [the] Berry family.  I haven't done much on them for a long time, however, yesterday I received information that my 4th great grandmother, Ann Young was probably, a daughter of William Berry, Sr.,. an early settler of old Burke, and his wife, Elizabeth who was probably a Montgomery. One son, Enoch Berry who moved to South Carolina; a daughter married David Hunter, in 1775. Another son was William Berry; Jr. We think James Young named his son Enoch Young after Enoch Berry.

Have you worked any on the old William Berry family? I am told he died during the. Revolutfonary War and Elizabeth, his wife, administered the estate with Capt. William Moore as Surety.  Capt. Moore's mother was Margaret Berry - sometimes spelled Barry.

Did you ever find anything on Ezekiel Berry? He was father of Logan Berry, born l813- If l never did get the Logan Berry Bible record sent, I will. I am very anxious to learn anything I can of the old William Berrv family.

Will share any info. I have. tho' most of the Berry is descendants of Logan. I have the Young records of John S. & Ann Young family. Will look forward to hearing from vou. I hope get this Okay.

     Most Sincerely,

     Lawrence E. Wood.

Since this letter I have conducted additional genealogical research, and I also believe that Ann Young, was the daughter of William Berry, Sr., He is listed as a signatory on her marriage documentation.  I believe that Elizabeth Berry was Elizabeth Montgomery given the significant level of involvement in her property affairs by other Montgomery family members before and after William Berry, Sr.'s death in 1780.

In terms of Enoch Berry, he eventually moved to Blount County, Tennessee and his service record in the Revolutionary War is well established.  Captain William Moore is heavily tied to this Berry family and is no doubt related through several documents.  Ezekiel Berry is believed to have passed on during the Revolutionary War at the same time as his father, or shortly thereafter.  Logan Berry's story is unique and will be the subject of a different article.  

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

John Berry, son of William Berry, Sr. 1774 to 1798 of Burke County

By John Berry

Not much information is available on John Berry, the son of William Berry, Sr.  He was believed to have been born before 1774 in the State or Maryland or Rowan County, North Carolina. His life was not very long and he appears to have lived to this mid-20s. He was believed to have passed away before July 1, 1798 in Burke County, North Carolina.

Some events in John Berry's timeline, include:

1774  Born in the State of Maryland to William and Elizabeth Berry

1778  Listed on the Rowan County, North Carolina Tax List.

1782  He is believed to have been married to an undetermined wife in 1782.

30 Aug 1786  He is listed as a chain carrier with his brother, Joseph Berry for another brother, James Berry
James Berry Land Grant 1786 - 100 acres
1790  He is listed in the Federal Census in Burke County, North Carolina in the Second Company of Captain John Connelly.  He is listed as having 4 children, 1 son and 3 daughters.  He is shown as living near his brothers James, Joseph and Lott Berry.

1790  John Berry is listed in the militia company in Caldwell County with James, Joseph, and Lot (Lott) William Berry.

26 July 1798  The records reflect that Lott Berry (his brother) is appointed as the administrator of the estate of John Berry in the Burke County, NC Court Minute books, at page 589.

1798 Estate of John Berry

"Know all men by these presents that we Daniel Hudson Lot Berry Joseph Morgan David Thomson are held and firmly bounds us to same we ask equal governor in order in check in your the State of North Carolina in the price of five thousand pounds to be paid to the said Samuel asks on his ... Governor of said state for which payment will and duly to be made in kind.  Our heirs our and each of are heirs. Executor Jointly Severally and person by these presents sealed and dated this 26th day of July 1798.  

The condition of the above obligations is such that whereas letters of ... have been issued on the Estate of John Berry, deceased late of the county of Burke. To the above ... Now if the said Dan Hudson and Lott Berry shall will and truly administer on all the goods and chattels ... and elements.  Rights and credits of the Said deceased that may come to way come to there lands. Agreeable to law and return into Burke a true inventory of said Estate and ... with said Court when called to answer for their due administration then this obligation to be said, and of no effect otherwise . . . 


J. Erwin     Lott Berry  David Thomson  Joseph Morgan"

The following are the remainder of the documents from the Estate of John Berry which were found in the North Carolina Archives.  

"Administration Bond on the Estate of John Berry, dec'd July 1798"

19 Oct 1799  Promissory note to the Estate of John Berry from John Murray

No other information is available at present, but the Author is always looking for more information. Please contact the Author should you have additional information on this or other Berry family members.