The Descendants and Ancestors of William Berry, Sr.

by John V. Berry William Berry, Sr.  is believed to have been born in the State of Maryland around the year 1738 and the available ev...

Thursday, September 28, 2017

1799 John Berry Note by Executors Lot (Lott) Berry and David Hudson Signed by John Murray

By John Berry

John Berry was the son of William Berry, Sr. (1738-1780) and the brother of Lott (Lot) Berry.  He is said to have been born in 1744 (perhaps in the State of Maryland) and passed away in July of 1798 in Burke County, North Carolina.  The following is a promissory note from John Murray in exchange for property from John Berry's estate.  His brother Lot (Lott) Berry and cousin Daniel Hudson were executors.  

1799 Promissory Note

The promissory note reads as follows:

I promise to pay unto Lot Berry and David Hudson, Administrators of John Berry dec'd the just and lawful sum of six pounds currency of North Carolina to be paid on or before the 30th day of April 1801 it being for value received of them this this 19th day of October 1799 as witness my hand and seal.

Wm. Fincannon                                         John Murray
Wm. Co___

Friday, September 22, 2017

1968 William Berry Letter

By John Berry

The following is a copy of a letter from noted Genealogist William Perry Johnson to my late Uncle, Connelly Burgin Berry regarding his research in our Berry line in 1968.  While there is a lot of information uncovered, I don't believe that all of it relates to my Berry line.  That being said, there is a tremendous amount of research that I am sure my uncle did not want to go to waste.  Here is a copy of the letter in text form:


(To Connelly Burgin Berry of Crescent Beach, SC)

2 July 1968

Dear Mr. Berry:

I have concluded ten days on your Berry ancestry, including two trips, one to Lincoln Co., N.C. and one to S.C. & Ga.

I have your Berrys traced back to Morgan Co. Georgia, as the trail seems to have led to that place, at this stage of the research.


Book B., p. 174 - dated 7 Nov. 1809  Joseph White, Esqr., Sheriff of Morgan Co. to William Berry of same county & state - consideration $100 - 202 1/2 acres in Morgan Co., known in original plan as No. 26 in the 20th District of Baldwin Co. (now Morgan Co.) - property of Thomas Jones.  As a result of a court case, Wm Bunchley vs. Thomas Jones, the land was sold at auction - highest bidder was Wm. Berry. Signed by name. Wits.: W. Crenshaw, J. Nisbet, Clk.

Book F, p. 296. - 1 jan. 181 Wm Berry to Edmund Berry & Joseph Hale - conoid.: $1,000 - 202 1/2 acres, situated at thistle in the county afsd (Morgan) on waters of Indian Creek, which tract was in the 20th District of Baldwin County at time of survey, lot No. 26, drawn by & granted to Thomas Jones (a hatter), Wilsons District, Warren Co., Ga. Signed by mark. witns: Wilson Lumpkin, Samuel Gibson, Wm. Gibson Proved 24 Feb. 1818: Recorded 24 Feb. 1818.

Book GG, p. 303 - 2 Jan. 1821  Samuel B. Hutchinson to Edmumd Berry - $325 consid. - 61 1/4 acres, being part of l.ot No. 44 in 19th District, 2nd Land lottery. Sigrred: S. B. Hutchinson. Wits.: Jas. Turner, Littleberry Grisham, JIC. Recorded 5 July 1822.

Book H, p. 83 - 3 Sept. 1822 - Martin P. Sparks, Sherriff, to Edmond G. Berry - consid.: $185.:  202 1/2 acres, Lot No, 12, in 20th District. Signed by name, Wits. Richard Jones, George Chatfield, J. F. Recorded 6 May 1823.

Book H, p. 84 - Morgan Co., Ga. 6 Nov. 1822-- Edmond G. Berry of state & count afsd., to John Jackson of same - consid,: -$320.00 - all-of Lot No. 12 in 20th District in the 2nd land lottery, originally Baldwin, now Morgan Co., Ga - 202 1/2 acres. Signed by name. Wits. John his X mark Canifax, Benjamin Canifax, J.P.  Proven 6 Nov. 1822. Recorded 6 May 1823.

Here are the easy Berry deeds from Lincoln Co., N.C. courthouse (since the early books are not on microfilm here in the Archives):


1-243 - 20 July 1770 - Charles Moore of Tryon Co., N.C. - in consideration of “the natural Love Good will & affection” to my son-in-law Andrew Berry.

1-452 - 21 July 1770 - Hugh Barry (or Barry) of Tryon Co. to John Barry (or Berry) of same consid. 40 Pounds - 300 a north side Broad River on McDonnels Creek, adj. James Bryan, James Byer. Signed by name. Wits.: James Simrel, Chs. Moore, Andrew Barry. Pr. July 1771.

2-347 - 20 Aug. 1773 - Richard Barry of Mecklenburg Co., N.C. to John McKnit Alexander of same - consid. 60 pounds - 640 a., a patent (land grant) to sd Richard Barry, 26 Sept. 1766, beginning at a hickory a few poles above the falls.  Signed by name. Wits. John Smith, Wm. Simple, Thomas Beaty, John Hill.  Proven July 1778.

1-705 - 8 Oct. 1773 - Andrew Robison (blacksmith) & wife Margaret of N.C. to Hugh Barry of S.C., Yeoman - conside.: 70 pounds - 150 a., a patent to Wm Cleghorn., 24 Apl. 1762. & conveyed to sd. Andrew Robison, 24 Sept. 1762 - land in Tryon Co., on the west side of the South Fork of Catawba River, including mouth of Duhart’s Creek. Both signed by name. Wits. Richd. Barry, Wm Shields, Geo. Elliot., Apl. 1774.

3-168  -  1776 - Wm Berry & wife Elizabeth of Tryon Co. to John Berry of same - consid.: 10 pounds — acres. both sides of Little Catawba, a grant to Wm. Berry, 25 Apl. 1767. He signed by name, she by mark. Wits. John Brison, Robert Martin, John Gullick. Pr. Jan 1787.

3-169  -  1776 - Wm Berry & wife Elizabeth of Tryon Co. to Robert Berry of same - consid.: 20 pounds — 200 a. on waters of Mill Creek, adj. Thomas Campbell, James Lewis, Benjamin Davidson —- acres granted to Wm Berry, 14 Nov. 1771. Eh signed by name, she by mark.  Wits. John Brison, Robert Martin, John Gullick. Pr. Jan 1787.

3-279 - 29 April 1786 - Robert Campbell of Lincoln Co., N. C., to Wm Berry of same - consid.: 20 Pounds ... 20 a. on waters of Little Catawba beg. at a black oak in his old line, being part of a tract granted to Thomas Campbell, dec’d. 5 Nov. 1774 also, 180 a. in Lincoln Co., on waters of Little  Catawba Creek, beg. at a white oak near Brison, the same being granted to Thomas Campbell, dec'ct., by patent, # 410, 25 Nov~ 1771. Signed by name. Wits,: Jona. Gullick, John Walldce. Pr. Oct. 1787.

3-278 - 7 June 1786 - Robert Campbell of Lincoln Co. to Wm Berry of same consid.: 20 Pounds - 123 a. on waters of Little Catawba Creek, beg. at a white oak near a Mirey branch, being part of a tract granted to Thomas Campbell, dec'd., 5 Nov. 1764. Signed by name. Wits.: John McClure, James Campbell, Jona. Gullick, Pr. Oct., 1787.

18-505 - 3 March 1795 - Wm Berry of Lincoln Co., to James Gingles of same - consid.: 30 Pounds - 160 a. on waters of Little Catawba & Mill Creek (part of which was granted to David John & by him conveyed to sd Berry, & the other granted to sd Berry, 3 Match 1779). Signed by name. Wits.: Leon. Henderson, David Rankin. Br. Jan. 1798.

18-314 - 1 May 1797 - Lincoln Co. - Agreement - Between Margaret, Andw.., Mary, Hugh, Richard, & John Berry, all of state & county afsd. - Whereas Hugh Berry, Sr . ·"hath lately deceas'd without making a will" and the above named (being leglatees) having administered on estate, etc., of sd Hugh Berry, & according to law returned an inventory. Margaret signed by mark, Andw. signed as Andy, Mary signed by mark, Hugh by name, Wits.: Lwn. Hernderson, Wm Ryndles.

21-475 - 19 Oct. 1805 - Andrew, Hugh & Mary Barry, of Lincoln Co., to Richard & John Barry of Lincoln Co. - consid.: $205 - undivided 5th parts of two tracts, on southwest side of south fork of Catawba River, including mouth of Duckarts Creek, being the land where-on Hugh Barry dec'd. formerly dwelt  & which descended to the above named persons as heirs at law of the said Hugh Barry dec'd 150 a. & 74 acres, etc.

27-428 - 16 April 1811 - Wm Berry of Lincoln Co. to Jacob Stowe of same - consid.: $268 - 134 a., it being part of three tracts, on waters of Little Catawba adj. Hugh Crison(?)(Lawson, probafily WPJ), Robert Berry, & Berry’s own land. Signed by name. wits.: Leroy Stowe, Milton Berry, Pr. Oct. 1816.

A Hudson Berry Sr. left a will, 1838-40 in Greenville Dist., S. C., and he had a son Wm, but I very much doubt that this Wm is identical with your Berry. Will enclose copies of the wills of Hudson Berry, and of David Mosteller.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Land Survey for William Berry, Sr. 1778

By John Berry

Every once in a while I plan to post an older document and provide an attempted translation.  In this case, this is a land survey for William Berry, Sr. (1738-1780) ordered in December 1, 1778.  On this document are some familiar names.  These include William Berry, Sr., I believe William Berry, Jr., Patrick O'Neal (William Berry's neighbor) and Captain Chris Beekman and David Vance.

My attempted translation is as follows: feel free to contact the Author if you can help fill in any of the blanks.

Land Survey for William Berry, for 381 acres, No. 81.

December 1, 1778 Land Survey for William Berry, Sr. for 381 acres

Land Survey for William Berry, for 381 acres, No. 81.

Catawba River, State of North Carolina, Burke County.

The plan of abstract of land survey for William Berry, Sr., lying on the North side of the Catawba River adjoining[] Patrick O’Neal’s land, the upper end of Brandon Cotton and bounded by Batey’s Pond above beginning at White Hickory sapling in a bend in the river opposite to the mouth of O’Neal’s Branch Thence down the river North Thirty degrees West. Eighty poles to _ hickory then over the river North forty-five degrees West one hundred and eight eight poles to a hickory_ below the mouth of a branch then West one hundred and forty poles to a _ in a hollow near Batey’s lower line, then South Two hundred & fifty poles to a small black oak and hickory on _’s lands just below Batey’s farm east corner then North Eighty one degrees East three hundred and eighteen poles down the river to the beginning ___ three hundred and eight one acres surveyed Dec the 1st 1778. 

  William Berry Jr?

Chain Bearers Pat O’Neal  Captain Chris Beekman Signed by David Vance